LEHA Pool Update

New Pool Information!!!

  • The pool will be open daily from noon-8:00pm beginning Saturday, June 12 (subject to weather, air quality, and lifeguard availability)
  • On Tuesday, June 15th, Social distancing, and pre-registration for contact tracing will be eliminated. Toys will return and the bathrooms will be available. You will need to sign in as we did pre-Covid.
  • Be advised that we are asking that you self-attest that you and your family members are vaccinated. State and County guidelines require non-vaccinated people remain 6 or more feet from people outside of their
    household. Please be respectful of others. Parents will be in charge of monitoring their children’s interactions. There will not be a social distancing monitor.
  • Capacity will return to pre-Covid levels.
  • Pool and/or Park Parties will NOT be resuming this year. A couple of guests per household will be allowed, but not large parties as we had pre-Covid.
  • Furniture, the gate, and the bathrooms will be disinfected each shift. Pool chemical levels are also checked and maintained at least three times daily.

As always, check the gate or website for the most current information.

***** We are looking for Red Cross Certified Lifeguards (with current certification) to add to our substitute list. Contact Lisa Vizzusi (209-480-7876) by phone or text, if interested!

Hope to See You Soon!
The LEHA Board.