The following are the rules adopted by the Board of Directors for the operation of the Lincoln Estates Homes Association pool.  These rules are governed by the City Health Ordinances and liability insurance requirements.

ATTENTION PARENTS:  Please be certain that you and your children are familiar with these rules.

LIFEGUARD:   The lifeguard on duty is in complete charge.  It is the lifeguard’s duty to enforce all rules to the best of his/her ability.  Any questions, disputes, or complaints concerning these rules should be directed to the Pool Manager, not the lifeguard.

A lifeguard will be on duty at the pool at ALL times that the pool is open.

Behavior which is, in the judgment of the lifeguard, disrespectful or dangerous will be punishable by expulsion from the pool for the rest of the day for the first offense; and additional full day for a second offense. Repeated violations will be dealt with on an individual basis by the Pool Manager.

POOL HOURS:  12:00-8:00* pool may close early, depending on the weather.  Lifeguards are required to take a 10 minute break every two hours.  They will try to take it at a time when the pool is not in use.  If necessary, the lifeguard will temporarily close the pool and patrons will have to wait outside the gated area.  If a single lifeguard is working all day, the pool will also be closed for a half-hour dinner break.

POOL USE:  All persons must sign in upon entering the pool.  Homeowners must be current in dues payments to use the pool.  Please contact Jeff Koester to make necessary arrangements if you are behind in payments.  Guests must be registered with the lifeguard.  (GUESTS:  Any family member or friend who does not live in your home and is accompanied by the homeowner. Non-resident family members may not use the pool, unless the homeowner is present.)

If you are hosting a group event with 10 or more people in attendance at the pool, please contact the pool manager, Lisa Vizzusi, in advance to arrange to hire an additional lifeguard during the period of your party at a rate of $11/hr.  Please be ready to supply the date, time, length of your event, and the number of people attending.  If you would like to use the park for your event, contact Kristine Pierce.

Personal cleanliness is a matter of courtesy and good pool maintenance.  The lifeguard may deny entrance to persons considered not clean enough to use the pool.

Any hair below shoulder length must be secured by a rubber band or braided.

CLOTHING: Only proper swimming attire will be allowed, and must be worn at all times.  Swimming in underwear is not permitted.  Cutoffs will not be permitted.  Babies and toddlers not potty trained must wear a diaper, preferably a swim diaper.

NON-SWIMMERS AND PRESCHOOLERS must be accompanied and watched at all times by a parent or a responsible guardian at least 13-years-old.  Anyone accompanying an infant or non-swimmer must be within arms-reach at all times. If the preschooler is a beginning swimmer, the responsible adult must stay at the shallow end and observe the children whenever he/she is in the water.  A beginning swimmer may swim in the deep end, between the rope and the five foot line, only if a parent is within arm’s reach at all times, and at the lifeguard’s discretion.

A swimmer is one who can easily swim the length of the pool, without using any flotation aids, and without stopping or holding on to the side.  This is determined by the lifeguard.  Each lifeguard has the right to ask a swimmer to demonstrate their swimming ability.  The swim test may be repeated as often as desired by the swimmer.

  • NO running, pushing, dunking, rough play, or screaming will be permitted.  This rule will be strictly enforced.
  • No jumping onto kickboards or any other type of device is allowed!
  • DO NOT HANG on or play with the rope across the pool.
  • Permission to play tag, Marco Polo, etc. will depend on pool use and will be at the discretion of the lifeguard.
  • Vulgar or profane language will not be tolerated and will be cause for expulsion from the pool area.
  • Always look before diving and dive toward the center of the pool!  Front dives only! Diving is only allowed deeper than the black line at the 5ft mark of the pool.  Running dives are not permitted.

The lifeguard has the right to warn, give a time-out, or expel someone from the pool area.  The seriousness of the offense is determined by the lifeguard.  Defiance or mistreatment of the lifeguard is cause for immediate expulsion from the pool.  Any questions or complaints should be directed to the pool manager.

TOYS AND BEVERAGES: Beverages in plastic or aluminum containers will be permitted.  No Styrofoam, metal or glass containers.

  • No alcoholic beverages will be permitted in the pool at any time.
  • Use of tobacco will not be allowed.
  • Toys, diving objects, and balls, as approved by the Pool Manager and lifeguard may be used.
  • No glass of any kind is permitted in the pool area.
  • No air mattresses permitted.
  • Self-contained life preservers will be allowed in the water at the discretion of the lifeguard.
  • No dogs or other pets are allowed in the pool area.

Bikes must be parked on the grass and not on the sidewalk.  Absolutely no scooters, skateboards, skates, etc. may be ridden inside the pool area

DO NOT enter the pool area over or under the fence. If one needs to enter the pool area when it is closed (to retrieve lost balls, etc.) please contact a member of the board.

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